Monday 30 May 2011

Week 2- Barbara Kruger & Mercantillism


I shop therefore I am (1987) Barbara Kruger
 Face It (Green) 2007 Barbara Kruger

1. Describe the 'style' that Kruger has used in the two presented works. The style that Barbara Kruger has presented in these two art works are mainly on the graphic designs area of perspectives. She has the use of singular colours for both her images , which she also has the use of bold textiles, making her art work an advertisement , where you can see both of her images, are central figured which makes her images more captivated with the use of bold messages which she displays on her work for the viewers.
2. What are some of the concepts and messages that Kruger is communicating in them?
Well I think the message that " Barbara Kruger " is trying to communicate with th viewers with her piece " I Shop Therefore I Am " is when a person defines themselves not by what they think , but what they see and own through shopping. And in her other piece " Face It " im not quite sure , but I think she is saying that , even though your dressed up in a luxurious garment etc it doesn’t make you rich and beautiful , making the viewers face the fact that you don’t need to be rich to be beautiful in and out.
3. Do these images communicate these ideas effectively? Explain your answer.
Yes I think they do communicate effectively with the viewers , by being presented to a advertisement itself , using the same methods and principles used in advertisement in a very easy ways , which I find her pieces of art very interesting , its straight forward with bold textiles and meaningful messages she spreads through her artwork which I find very interesting.
4. Define the concept of Mercantillism and explain how these two examples can connect with the concept. is an economic system of the major trading naions during the 16th, 17th, and 18th century , based on the premise that the national wealth and power were best served by increasing the exports and collecting precious metals in return , ( The Columbia Encyclopedia , Sixth Edition. (2005) Mercantilism. Feb 11 2006 ) . Both Kruger’s artworks " I shop therefore I am " and " Face it " connect to the concept of Mercantilism as it shows how " WE " as people have a habit of buying and selling goods to please ourselves. Today as individuals around the globe think that the more goods they purchase or sell the more power they have and endure.

5. Upload a more recent example of Kruger's work where she has used a new medium, that is not graphic design. Title your image of the chosen work and comment on your response to the work. How do you think the audience would experience this work?

Barbara Kruger Chess Set 

Reference List
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition . (2005) Mercantilism. Retrieved Feb 11,2006,
from :

1 comment:

  1. Krugers art was targeted for the upper richer society. Her art is simple yet gives the message out clearly.
