Thursday 16 June 2011

Week 9 - Modernism and Post-Modernism

1.    Outline the intentions of each artist.

Monet is a well-known painter, because he paints from his emotions rather then what he see’s, I know this because of the way he paints, and the use of his colours. It’s very inner personal his paintings.

Chucks is different towards Monet because he concentrates more on what he views rather then emotions like Monet does, but two different style of techniques, shown by both artist.

2.    Describe the techniques of each artist

A common thing about Monet is that his Impressionist, his paintings are spontaneously well painted and structured. In fact, Monet studied his subjects intensely and planned his paintings. The painting technique that was fundamental to Impressionism is that of broken colour. Monet used this to achieve the actual sensation of light itself in a painting. (

Although Chuck Closes method differs from his initial method, the preliminary process remains the same. To create his grid work copies of photos, he grids out the photo and canvas, and then copies it cell by cell ( I reckon comparing both artist , chuck has to go through more process into doing his work , to mastermind his use of techniques.

3. Find 2 quotes about each artist work, and reference them correctly. 

"No one is an artist unless he carries his picture in his head before painting it, and is sure of his method and composition.”(Monet 2010)

“What difference does it make whether you're looking at a photograph or looking at a still life in front of you? You still have to look.” (

3.    Note 3 similarities of the work of both artists.

The main similarity in both Monet and Chucks work has good use of detail which both demonstrate there unique style of techniques. The use of paint, vibrant colours and human perception are the similarities they explore both paint and colour extensively, combining different mediums and techniques together.
Monet was also ex-caricaturist. A person whom does portraiture like Chuck Close. And also the similarities between there use of color.
5. What are some differences between the artist's works? (At least 3)

They have different painting styles, and different subject matters
Chuck Close normally paints portraits and Claude Monet paints about the natural landscapes, the major difference between these known artists, is the way they use there colours. Monet uses a range of colours which reflects the view of landscape and emotions, and Chuck uses basically all the range of colours.

6. Describe your response to the work of both artists.

These two famous artist is actually new to me, I haven’t really study or heard of them before, but what made me realise is that both artist have unique and effective style of art, and the range of colours, to describe what they feel and see. Artist won’t be the same, one won’t have the others great mind of ideas, and one wont have and wild outgoing thoughts, but I find both of there work interesting.


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